Honours and Awards for RSIS Staff and Students
RSIS staff regularly speak at external conferences organised by prolific organisations and collaborate with other think tanks in the course of their research and networking engagements. They are recognised through the various appointments and research grants on top of being awarded prizes. These are some of the honours and awards that our staff and students received.
For the full list of gold medallists, please click here
Honours and Awards for 2024
Two members of the RSIS Board of Governors received National Day Awards in 2024.
Mr Peter Ho, member of the RSIS Board of Governors, Chairman of the Urban Redevelopment Authority and Senior Adviser to the Centre for Strategic Futures, received the Order of Nila Utama (With High Distinction), the highest accolade given in 2024. Mr Ho has contributed to Singapore for more than 50 years, including as a public servant for more than three decades.
Mr Pang Kin Keong, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal.
The NTS Centre obtained a grant to conduct a multi-year research study on Biosecurity and International Security, in partnership with the Asia Centre for Health Security (ACHS). ACHS is a new academic think tank based at the Saw Swee
Hock School of Public Health at the National University of Singapore, working in close partnership with the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at the Nanyang Technological University.
The Biosecurity and International Security project examines biosecurity threats in the Asia-Pacific and potential risks associated with emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, advances in life sciences and biotechnology, including the proliferation of laboratories, dual-use research of concern, and deliberate misuse of biological materials. It explores implications of both the conventional biological threats and the fast-evolving biotechnological landscape in the region on regional and international security. It also identifies, through baseline studies, common challenges, capacity gaps, as well as good practices in the context of crafting policies, institutionalising norms and developing technical expertise in mitigating and responding to emerging biological threats and biological incidents whether natural, accidental, or deliberate in origin.
Notre Dame’s Morgenthau Fellowship
Wendy He, Senior Analyst with the Military Studies Programme (MSP), has been accepted into the Hans Morgenthau Pre-Doctorate Fellowship program. Administered by the Notre Dame International Security Center (NDISC), University of Notre Dame, the Fellowship seeks to help the next generation of scholars think more about grand strategy in the larger conceptual and historical context.
Honours and Awards for 2023
Dr Kaewkamol Pitakdumrongkit, Senior Fellow and Head of CMS, received the Award for Teaching Excellence in Academic Year 2022/2023. The annual award recognises teaching excellence and outstanding contributions to the enhancement of teaching and learning at RSIS.
Japan Foundation Grant and Fellowship
Assoc Prof Bhubhindar Singh, Associate Dean (Academic Affairs) and Head of GPO, has been awarded a competitive research grant and fellowship from the Japan Foundation. The grant supported a 10-week research stay at the Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo. Assoc Prof Singh is starting a new project entitled “Japan’s Threat Perceptions towards China and Russia: Divergences and Convergences”. The project emerged from the contemporary debate within the Japanese security policy literature that tends to simplistically understand the threat perceptions posed by China and Russia as the same or aligned. As it is obviously not the case, the project aims to unpack this simplistic view by adopting a historical perspective to understand the convergences and divergences of the threat posed by China and Russia to Japan’s national security since the mid-19th Century to today and determine the causes for both outcomes.
Morris Janowitz Career Achievement Award
Dr Pascal Vennesson, Senior Fellow and Head of Research, RSIS, received the Morris Janowitz Career Achievement Award 2023 from the Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society (IUS). IUS is one of the most significant international forums of research and scholarship in the social and behavioural sciences dealing with the military establishment and civil-military relations. The award is named after renowned American sociologist Morris Janowitz (University of Chicago), founder of military sociology, who made significant contributions to sociological theory, the study of prejudice, urban issues, and patriotism.
Social Science & Humanities Research (SSHR) 2025 Seed Grant
A Social Science & Humanities Research (SSHR) 2025 seed grant has been given to Asst Prof Frederick Chen for his project on the “Impact of Economic Crises on Foreign Policy”. He will develop a domestic political theory to explain the consequences of economic crises for foreign policy, focusing on leaders’ political incentives and behaviour during economic crises, which partly hinge upon the public’s political reactions to economic crises. A combination of survey experiments and cross-national analysis would be used to test the theory. Delving into this research would contribute to political science research as well as policymaking (for example, in gaining a better understanding of the circumstances under which foreign countries are more likely to adopt more aggressive foreign policy during future economic crises).
MOE Academic Research Fund (AcRF) Tier 1
Assoc Prof Li Mingjiang has been awarded the Ministry of Education (MOE) Academic Research Fund Tier 1 grant for his project titled “Subnational Governments’ Role in Chinese Foreign Relations”. This project aims to explore the role of subnational governments, primarily the provincial governments, in Chinese foreign relations. This is especially since empirical observations show that local governments in China have been playing an important role in shaping the trajectory and dynamics of China’s external relations in recent years. A deeper understanding of its foreign policy, particularly from China’s domestic context, is imperative to help analyse and explain China’s international behaviour and enhance mutual understanding for potential collaborations.
Asst Prof Frederick Chen has received a similar grant for his project on “Domestic and Transnational Legal Risks and Opportunities for Foreign Businesses in China”. Multinational corporations (MNCs) face high risk when investing in China and countries without a strong rule of law. The project aims to develop a systematic picture of the legal environment for MNCs in China, explain MNCs’ litigation patterns and behaviour across different types of judiciaries and legal systems, analyse the domestic and transnational determinants of MNCs’ litigation outcomes, and draw lessons about MNCs’ litigation strategies in risky markets.
Other Research Grants
Dr Tan Teck Boon, Research Fellow, received a research grant to study privacy-enhancing technologies or PETs. Dr Tan’s award is part of a grant given to the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and National Research Foundation (NRF) to conduct needle-moving research on PETs. Dr Tan will use the grant to examine PET-related public policies in Singapore.
Mr Quah Say Jye, an RSIS alumnus doing his PhD studies at the University of Cambridge, has been awarded the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Graduate Research Fellowship to research into “Civilisation and Realpolitik: Two Strands of International Thought Within Post-Lee Kuan Yew Era ‘Singapore School’”. Mr Quah is under the mentorship of Prof Ang Cheng Guan, Associate Dean, RSIS, for the SSRC grant. The project charts the different strands of international political thinking in prominent Singaporean public intellectuals since 2015. The project’s significance is in clarifying the logic and intellectual stakes of the competing views on the international world within the Singaporean public discourse, views which could polarise the Singaporean society.
Honours and Awards for 2022
Dr Gong Xue, Assistant Professor; and Deputy Coordinator of MSc (International Political Economy), and Dr Sinderpal Singh, Senior Fellow; Assistant Director of Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies (IDSS); and Coordinator of South Asia Programme, IDSS, received Awards for Teaching Excellence in Academic Year 2021/2022.
Dr Sinderpal Singh received the Fulbright McCain Scholar-in-Residence fellowship. Dr Singh is a Senior Fellow and Assistant Director of the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies (IDSS). He is also the Coordinator of the South Asia Programme, IDSS. The scholarship is a Fulbright fellowship established in memory of the late Senator John McCain. Dr Singh is the first scholar to take up this fellowship, which is based in the US Naval Academy (USNA), Annapolis. He was there from August to December 2022, during which he taught a course on Indo-Pacific Security to midshipmen at theUSNA, as well as gave lectures to other US military academies located in other parts of US.
Dr Shashi Jayakumar was an International Visitor at Stanford University for the academic year 2021/2022. Dr Jayakumar is the Head of the Centre of Excellence for National Security (CENS) and the Executive Coordinator of Future Issues and Technology (FIT). The month-long residency aimed to bring high-profile international scholars into the intellectual campus of Stanford. During the residency, Dr Jayakumar participated in lectures and seminars on his areas of research and engaged actively with the intellectual environment of the Stanford Humanities Center and Stanford University as a whole.
Assoc Prof Rafal Stepien, from the Studies in InterReligious Relations in Plural Societies (SRP) Programme and Coordinator of the MSc (Asian Studies) Programme, held a Visiting Fellowship in the European University Institute, a post-graduate institution in Europe dedicated to the social sciences and humanities.
RSIS alumni Mr Malminderjit Singh (MSc 2008) and Mr Prashant Bhalchandra Nayak (MSc 2016) received the Nanyang Alumni Achievement Award and Nanyang Alumni Service Award respectively. The awards were presented by NTU in November.
Mr Singh, Senior Account Director and Regional Content Lead at Hume Brophy, a global communications consultancy, received the award in recognition of his extraordinary milestones in the media industry and as a community leader while Mr Nayak, Vice President of Global Security APAC-ME with The Walt Disney Company, was awarded for his outstanding service and contributions to RSIS. Read more on page 50 under the Graduate Education chapter to find out more about the award.
Two RSIS teams received Social Science & Humanities Research (SSHR) 2025 Seed Grants in 2021 and 2022. The first team, led by Assoc Prof Leonard C. Sebastian, will work on “Steering a Middle Way: Great Power Technological Competition in Indonesia and Vietnam.” They will investigate the ways in which technological competition between the United States and China is likely to affect Southeast Asia, and in particular Indonesia and Vietnam.
The second team, headed by Prof Mely CaballeroAnthony, will work on “The Future of Planetary Health: Lessons from a Global Pandemic”. Since 2015, the concept of Planetary Health has been gaining traction and become even more influential since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The notion of Planetary Health offers more holistic solutions to multiple environmental issues and their attendant consequences, including the current COVID-19 pandemic. This research project investigates how a Planetary Health approach can be applied to mitigate Anthropocene risks and build resilience for a more sustainable and prosperous world.
RSIS Assistant Professors Michael Raska and Gong Xue received Ministry of Education (MOE) Academic Research Fund (AcRF) Tier 1 grants in 2021 and 2022. Asst Prof Michael Raska will work on “Artificial Intelligence in Asian Armies: Technologies for Next Major Wars.” The project seeks to understand the varying conceptual and technical undercurrents of artificial intelligence (AI) defence innovation, development, deployment, and use in East Asia’s small and middle powers.
Asst Prof Gong Xue will work on “Ideas Do Not Float Easily: Public Accountability in China’s Infrastructure Developmental Policy Diffusion to Southeast Asia.” This project examines the understudied diffusion of ideas of Chinese infrastructural development. Asst Prof Gong Xue will examine the ways in which public accountability levels in the demander country shape the outcome of the diffusion of Chinese external infrastructural developmental policy ideas and practices in Cambodia, Indonesia and Myanmar.
RSIS received a grant from the German development agency, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), to pursue a study on the digitalisation of climate-smart supply chains in selected farming systems between ASEAN and India. This study, led by the NTS Centre’s food security team comprising Prof Mely Caballero-Anthony, Prof Paul S. Teng, Dr Dipinder Singh Randhawa and Mr Jose Ma. Luis P. Montesclaros, will assess the potential of digital technologies to address food security and climaterelated food supply chain challenges, leveraging document reviews of policies under ASEAN-India cooperation; quantitative analysis of open international databases; and interviews/questionnaires/consultations with relevant stakeholders.
In 2022, Dr Tan Teck Boon, Research Fellow, received a research grant to study digital trust policy. Dr Tan’s award is part of a grant awarded to the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and National Research Foundation (NRF) to establish the National Centre for Research in Digital Trust (DTC) in NTU. The DTC will conduct impactful research on TrustTech, including support for public policies.
Honours and Awards for 2021
Exemplary Figures Conferred NTU Honorary Degrees
On 17 September 2021, Mr Eddie Teo, former chairman of the RSIS Board of Governors, and Ms Chew Gek Khim, member of the Board, were conferred the honorary doctorate degree by NTU. The honorary degrees were presented by President Halimah Yacob.
Mr Teo, who is Chairman of the Council of Presidential Advisers (CPA), was honoured for his decades of leadership and contributions to RSIS and NTU, to the Public Service, and to Singapore. As former chairman of RSIS Board from 2009 to 2018, Mr Teo has been instrumental in providing strategic direction and leadership for RSIS, steering it to become one of the top think tanks in Asia and a globally recognised school of international affairs.
Ms Chew, Deputy Chairman of the Tan Chin Tuan Foundation, has shown passionate support towards education and social causes. Under Ms Chew’s leadership, the foundation has generously contributed to NTU since 1997, helping to establish various professorships, scholarships, fellowships, and bursaries.
Nanyang Alumni Awards
Dr Muhammad Tito Karnavian, PhD (Strategic Studies), Class of 2013, received the Nanyang Distinguished Alumni Award for his contributions to counter-terrorism and law and order during the Nanyang Alumni Awards on 23 October 2021.
Dr Muhammad Tito, who is the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, has devoted much of his career to combating the spectre of terrorism. He previously served as Jakarta police chief, for which he won praise for maintaining security following attacks by Islamic State sympathisers in 2018. He also served as head of Indonesia’s elite Densus 88 counter-terrorism squad, where he assisted in the successful hunts for Noordin Mohammad Top, then Indonesia’s most-wanted fugitive, and Azahari Husin, the man believed to be the mastermind behind the 2002 Bali bombings.
Named Faculty Chair Professorships at NTU
Three RSIS professors have been appointed to named faculty chair professorships by NTU. They are:
- Mely Caballero-Anthony, President’s Chair in International Relations and Security Studies
- Kumar Ramakrishna, Associate Professor and Provost’s Chair in National Security Studies
- Li Mingjiang, Associate Professor and Provost’s Chair in International Relations
Named Faculty Chair Professorships recognise the achievements of early-career, mid-career and senior faculty colleagues.
Nanyang Professor of Practice
Mr Barry Desker, Distinguished Fellow in RSIS, was concurrently appointed as Nanyang Professor of Practice in NTU from 1 October 2021. As Nanyang Professor of Practice, he may be invited to mentor NTU students, staff or faculty; to present in both formal/informal lectures; to participate in panel discussions; and to offer suggestions and advice on academic, administrative and corporate matters so that the University can benefit from his vast experience as an accomplished senior diplomat and former Dean of RSIS.
External Appointments
At the invitation of Coventry University, Assoc Prof Kumar Ramakrishna joined the University as Visiting Professor for a period of three years from December 2020. During the appointment, Assoc Prof Ramakrishna will act as an academic advisor to PhD students, as well as explore research collaborations between RSIS and Coventry University.
At the invitation of the Perth USAsia Centre in Australia, Asst Prof Kaewkamol Pitakdumrongkit, Deputy Head of Centre for Multilateralism Studies, joined the Centre as a non-resident Indo-Pacific Fellow from January to November 2021. The Centre focuses on geopolitical and geo-economic issues and policy development.
Awards for Teaching Excellence
Assoc Prof Li Mingjiang, Coordinator of PhD Programme, and Asst Prof Hoo Tiang Boon, Coordinator of the China Programme, received the RSIS Teaching Awards for Academic Year 2020/2021 and 2019/2020 respectively. The award recognises teaching excellence and outstanding contributions to the enhancement of learning at RSIS. Dean Emmers presented the awards at the RSIS Virtual Graduation Ceremony on 10 July 2021.
Dr Benjamin Ho, Assistant Professor from the China Programme, has received a Fulbright Scholarship to pursue research at George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs. Dr Ho would be in the University from November 2021 to February 2022 in US.
Wendy He, Senior Analyst at MSP, has received the NTU Research Scholarship. The scholarship is for full-time studies and tenable at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Research Grants
Interests, Ideology and Great Power Spheres of Influence
Asst Prof Evan Resnick, Coordinator of MSc (International Relations) Programme at RSIS, has received the Ministry of Education (MOE) Academic Research Fund (AcRF) Tier 1 grant of $37,000. The three-year grant will be directed towards the completion of a book manuscript that looks into an area not well-studied in International Relations, i.e., the phenomenon of great power spheres of influence.
Countering Health-Related Misinformation
Dr Gulizar Haciyakupoglu, Research Fellow at CENS, has received a partial funding of US$8,300 from the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA) Faculty Fund. Collaborating with Asst Prof D.J. Flynn and Asst Prof Nina Wiesehomeier of IE University in Spain, the joint research project examines best measures to counter misinformation, including health-related misinformation, in the United States and India. The study, which will be completed in 2021, seeks to aid the efforts of policymakers in combating misinformation.
Marine Ecology in Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific
The NTS Centre also received a research grant of A$17,500 from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Australia. The project is set to undertake baseline studies of international cooperation arrangements in the area of marine ecology in the Indo-Pacific, and to chart out proposals for potential regional collaboration arrangements in marine ecology for the Indian Ocean Region that can be supported by Australia and India. The project is in collaboration with the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, the Chesterfield Lane Pte Ltd, Australia, and the Observer Research Foundation in India.
ASEAN Disaster Resilience Outlook
The NTS Centre’s HADR Programme was awarded a US$30,000 grant from the ASEAN Secretariat to develop the “ASEAN Disaster Resilience Outlook (2021) – ASEAN’s Journey for a Disaster Resilience Region”. The ASEAN Disaster Resilience Outlook is a mid-term review of the ASEAN Vision 2025 on disaster management and is scheduled to be launched at the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Disaster Management in late 2021.
Awards for Academic Excellence for AY2020/2021
Honours and Awards for 2020
Sources of Small States’ Influence in International Economic Negotiations
Asst Prof Kaewkamol Pitakdumrongkit, Deputy Head of the Centre for Multilateralism Studies, has received the Ministry of Education (MOE) Academic Research Fund (AcRF) Tier 1 grant of $84,705.91 for a 36-month study which investigates the sources of small states’ influence in international economic negotiations. It also introduces a new way of conceptualising small states’ power in the context of international negotiations. It employs Asia-focused case studies of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, and in reference to Asian small states such as Singapore and Bahrain.
The Political Dynamics of US Trade Policy
Asst Prof Lee Su-Hyun, Coordinator of the MSc (International Political Economy) Programme at RSIS, has received the MOE AcRF Tier 1 grant of $27,840 for a research project titled “The Political Dynamics of Protectionism: Origins and Consequences.” The project focuses on a book manuscript on American trade policy that examines how incumbent presidents and their parties strategically set trade policy for electoral and partisan goals, and to what extent the distributional consequences of trade affect voting behaviour in US presidential elections. As extensions, the project analyses how trade competition from low income countries, especially from China, has affected the rise of populism and anti-globalisation backlash in advanced industrial countries.
Establishing Framework for Civilian Nuclear Governance in the Asia Pacific
Prof Mely Caballero-Anthony, Head of NTS Centre (Principal Investigator); and Mr Julius Trajano, Research Fellow (Collaborator) of the same centre, have received the MOE AcRF Tier 1 grant of $67,410 for a 25-month research project titled “Nuclear Governance in Indo/Asia Pacific: Building out from Southeast Asia.” The project explores pathways towards building a robust framework for civilian nuclear governance in the Asia Pacific, building out from the nuclear cooperation framework and progress in Southeast Asia. It identifies and argues for the relevance of ASEAN-led mechanisms to deal with nuclear security in Southeast Asia and the broader Asia-Pacific region. It analyses the prospects for and emerging challenges to enhancing regional nuclear governance, covering three key issues: (i) nuclear security capacity-building; (ii) the role of nuclear governance centres of excellence and knowledge centres; and (iii) nuclear emergency preparedness and response.
ASEAN’s Utilisation of Digital Technology for Food Security
Mr Jose Ma. Luis P. Montesclaros, Professor Mely Caballero-Anthony, and Professor Paul S. TengProf Mely Caballero-Anthony, Head of NTS Centre (Principal Investigator); Prof Paul S. Teng, Adjunct Senior Fellow (Principal Investigator); and Mr Jose Ma. Luis P. Montesclaros, Associate Research Fellow, all from the same Centre, have received a USD 30,000 grant from the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), to review ASEAN Member States’ utilisation of digital technology for improving agricultural productivity and enhancing the resilience of food supply chains. It seeks to propose future directions and a potential roadmap that feeds into ASEAN’s guidelines for digital agriculture adoption, covering topics such as information and communication technology (ICT) policy; trade policy; e-commerce platforms; digital financing for inclusive development; and food supply chain resilience.
China and its Closest Strategic Allies
Asst Prof Hoo Tiang Boon, Coordinator of the MSc (Asian Studies) Programme at RSIS, has received the MOE AcRF Tier 1 grant of $79,730 for a research project titled “Inner Circle: A Study of China’s Relations with its Closest Strategic Allies.” This project seeks to better understand the nature and substance of China’s relationship with its closest strategic allies in global politics. In particular, it investigates two key puzzles: Who are China’s closest strategic allies in global politics, and what is the extent of these countries’ alignment with China? Conceptually, the project introduces the notion of the “strategic inner circle” to distinguish China’s closest allies, and addresses limitations in existing concepts such as security alliances, military coalitions, clients, and formal partnerships.
The most outstanding student in each of the respective Master’s Programmes is awarded a Gold Medal each year. A book prize is also given to the student with the best dissertation. The Gold Medals and Book Prize have been donated by the respective sponsors for close to two decades. The awards for AY2019/2020 are listed below. We thank the sponsors for their generous donations and continuous support through the years.
Awards for Academic Excellence for AY2019/2020
Honours and Awards for 2019
RSIS Research Adviser Awarded the Public Administration Medal (Silver)
Professor Joseph Liow, RSIS Research Adviser and former Dean of RSIS, received the Public Administration Medal (Silver) at the 2019 National Day Awards. Prof Liow is Tan Kah Kee Chair in Comparative and International Politics and Dean of the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at NTU Singapore.
A Study of the Political Dynamics of US Trade Policy
Assistant Professor Su-Hyun Lee, Deputy Coordinator of the MSc (International Political Economy) Programme at RSIS, was awarded a Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund (AcRF) Tier 1 grant of $27,840 for a research project titled “The Political Dynamics of Protectionism: Origins and Consequences.” The project focuses on a book manuscript on American trade policy that examines how incumbent presidents and their parties strategically implement trade policy for electoral and partisan goals, and to what extent the distributional consequences of trade affect voting behavior in US presidential and general elections. As extensions, the project analyses how trade competition from low income countries, especially from China, has affected the rise of populism and anti-globalisation backlash in advanced industrial countries.
A Study to Examine Civilian Nuclear Governance in the Asia Pacific
Professor Mely Caballero-Anthony, Head of NTS Centre (Principal Investigator), and Mr Julius Trajano, Research Fellow (Collaborator) of the same centre, were awarded a Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund (AcRF) Tier 1 grant for a 25-month research project titled “Nuclear Governance in Indo/Asia Pacific: Building out from Southeast Asia.” The project explores pathways toward building a robust framework for civilian nuclear governance in the Asia Pacific, building out from the nuclear cooperation framework and progress in Southeast Asia. It identifies and argues for the relevance of ASEAN-led mechanisms to deal with nuclear security in Southeast Asia and the broader Asia Pacific region. It will analyse on the prospects for and emerging challenges to enhancing regional nuclear governance, covering three key issues: (i) nuclear security capacity-building; (ii) the role of nuclear governance centres of excellence and knowledge centres; and (iii) nuclear emergency preparedness and response.
Awards for Academic Excellence for AY2018/2019
Five students won respective awards for the Academic Year 2018/2019.
Honours and Awards for 2018
Chairman Awarded the Order of Temasek (First Class) by the Government of the Republic of Singapore on the 53rd National Day
Dr Tony Tan, 7th President of the Republic of Singapore and Chairman of the RSIS Board of Governors, was awarded the Order of Temasek (First Class) by the government of Singapore on the occasion of its 53rd National Day. The Darjah Utama Temasek (Order of Temasek), instituted in 1962, is Singapore’s highest civilian honour. There are three grades of the Order of Temasek – First, Second and Third Class – and it is conferred on Singaporean citizens and honorary non-Singaporeans by the President of Singapore.
Chairman Awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters by NTU Singapore
As Singapore’s former Education Minister, Dr Tony Tan championed the development of higher education, which included the setting up of NTU Singapore. To recognise his contributions as a visionary architect of Singapore’s education landscape, NTU Singapore conferred on Dr Tan an honorary doctorate degree, the university’s highest honour, on 24 July 2018.
Appointment to the Management Board of the Middle East Institute
Assoc Prof Farish A. Noor was appointed to the Management Board of the Middle East Institute (MEI) in the National University of Singapore in September 2017. Over the year, he and other members of MEI Board helped to manage the work of MEI, directing the focus of its research towards Singapore and Southeast Asia. The appointment is for a period of one year, from September 2017 to September 2018. MEI has extended the appointment for an additional year.
A Study to Analyse Economic and Strategic Impacts of the Belt and Road Initiative
Assoc Prof Pradumna B. Rana, Coordinator of CMS’ International Political Economy Programme, and Assoc Prof Chia Wai Mun at NTU Singapore’s School of Social Sciences, were awarded a Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 1 grant of $76,792 for an 18-month study of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The study will quantify the economic benefits of the economic corridors and strengthened connectivity brought about by BRI, using a Computational General Equilibrium model. A perception survey of Asian opinion leaders on the BRI, focusing on the non-economic dimensions of the BRI, will also be conducted. The study will enable researchers to offer both evidence-based and perception-based recommendations.
RSIS Professor Selected as Distinguished Alum of ASU
Prof Tan See Seng was selected by the Arizona State University’s School of Politics and Global Studies (ASU-SPGS) as its Distinguished Alum 2018. Prof Tan graduated with a PhD from the ASU Department of Political Science, the precursor to the SPGS, in 1999. As ASU Distinguished Alum, Prof Tan gave a number of public talks at ASU and met with SPGS faculty and students.
Award for Teaching Excellence
The RSIS Teaching Award for Academic Year 2017/2018 was won by Asst Prof Anit Mukherjee of IDSS’ South Asia Programme. He was presented with the award by Dean Joseph Liow at the RSIS Alumni Dinner on 3 August. This award recognises teaching excellence and outstanding contributions to the enhancement of teaching and learning at RSIS.
Award for Culture and Recognition of Traditional Arts Maestro
Dr Leo Suryadinata, Adjunct Professor (February to May 2018) at RSIS, received the Award for Culture and Recognition of Traditional Arts Maestro at a ceremony in Jakarta on 26 September. He is the first Singaporean to receive an award from the Indonesian government, and was honoured for his cultural contributions and efforts to deepen understanding of the country. Dr Leo’s work in introducing the history and development of the country’s ethnic Chinese was a show of his dedication and service in the field, said Indonesia’s Ministry of Education and Culture.
Awards for Academic Excellence
Five students won respective awards for the Academic Year 2017/2018.
Honours and Awards for 2017
Awards for Teaching Excellence
Prof Rajesh Basrur (left) and Assoc Prof Farish A. Noor at the RSIS Alumni Dinner, 28 July 2017
The RSIS Teaching Awards for Academic Year 2016/2017 were won by Dr Rajesh Basrur, Professor of International Relations and Coordinator of IDSS’ South Asia Programme, and Dr Farish Noor, Associate Professor and Coordinator of the PhD Programme. They received their awards from Dean Joseph Liow at the 14th RSIS Alumni Dinner held on 28 July 2017. These awards recognise teaching excellence and outstanding contributions to the enhancement of teaching and learning at RSIS. The recipients of the awards were decided on the basis of student evaluations made at the end of the academic year, amongst other selection criteria.
Appointment to UN Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Mediation
Distinguished Visiting Fellow Dr Noeleen Heyzer was appointed to a high-level Advisory Board on Mediation established at the United Nations in September 2017. The establishment of the Board was part of the “surge in diplomacy for peace” that UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has committed himself to adopting in the face of the spiralling complexity and human cost of conflicts. Its role is to provide the Secretary-General with advice on mediation initiatives and to back specific mediation efforts around the world. Dr Heyzer, a Singaporean, joined 17 other current and former global leaders, senior officials and renowned experts on the Board. They bring together a wide range of experience, skills, knowledge and networks. Dr Heyzer was formerly Undersecretary-General of the UN, Executive Secretary of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, and Executive Director of the UN Development Fund for Women.
Appointment to the Management Board of the Middle East Institute
Dr Farish A. Noor, Associate Professor and Coordinator of the PhD Programme, was appointed to the Management Board of the Middle East Institute (MEI), National University of Singapore, in September 2017. Over the coming year, he and other members of the MEI Management Board will help to manage the work of MEI, and direct the focus of the institute’s research closer to Singapore and Southeast Asia. The appointment is for a period of one year, from September 2017 to September 2018.
Inter-disciplinary Project Awarded MOE Tier 2 Research Grant
(From left) Mr Christopher Chen, Assoc Prof Mely Caballero-Anthony and Dr Alistair D. B. Cook
RSIS’ Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies (NTS Centre) collaborated with NTU’s Nanyang Business School and School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering on an inter-disciplinary project. The project on “Enhancing Coordination in Humanitarian Operations in Asia” was awarded a Ministry of Education (MOE) Academic Tier 2 Research Grant of $438,329. Scheduled for completion by mid-2019, it consists of seven research projects covering the broad scope of humanitarian operations, of which two—Mapping and Analysis of the Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) Landscape and Knowledge Management for Humanitarian Continuity—are led by the NTS Centre, with Centre Head, Assoc Prof Mely Caballero-Anthony, as the co-principal investigator; Dr Alistair D. B. Cook, Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Programme Coordinator, as Research Collaborator; and Christopher Chen as Research Associate. The Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Science and the Singapore Red Cross are involved as knowledge partners.
Research Grant for Study of FTAs and Mega-FTAs
Assoc Prof Pradumna B. Rana, Coordinator of CMS’ International Political Economy Programme, and Assoc Prof Chia Wai Mun at NTU’s School of Social Sciences, were awarded an MOE Academic Research Fund Tier 1 grant of $67,000 for a 24-month study of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and Mega-FTAs. The study will analyse the benefits and costs of FTAs and mega-FTAs available to regional countries through two methodologies: computable general equilibrium (CGE) analysis and a perception survey of Asian opinion leaders on the strategic and political rationales of mega-FTAs. The study will also analyse the impact of FTAs and Mega-FTAs on the “centrality” of the World Trade Organization in the international trade architecture. The findings of the study will have important implications for countries in designing their trade policies especially in the context of the US withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the pronouncement of an “America First” trade policy by the Trump administration.
Research Grant for Counter-insurgency Project
Asst Prof Ong Weichong of IDSS’ Military Studies Programme was awarded a three-year Academic Research Fund Tier 1 grant of $30,825 by MOE to conduct a research project on “The Malaysian Approach to Counter-insurgency (1963–1990)”. This project is a historical study of Malaysian counter-insurgency (COIN) strategy and practice employed against the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) and the North Kalimantan Communist Party during the 1963–1990 period. The study’s objectives are to examine: (i) why there were two distinct communist insurgencies in Malaysia; (ii) how Malaysia defeated the communist insurgencies in the two different geo-graphical locations of Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo; and (iii) the COIN response and strategy of Malaysia; and to a lesser extent the counter-subversion strategy of Singapore against the CPM threat. The results of the research project will be published in a sole-authored book.
Research Grant for Project on Extremist Agency in Asia
Asst Prof Mohamed Nawab bin Mohamed Osman, IDSS’ Malaysia Programme Coordinator, was awarded a research grant of $30,000 for his project on “The Genealogy of Extremist Agency in Asia: A Comparative Perspective”. An MOE Academic Tier 1 Research Grant, the project will study the justifications for violence in Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. It will examine the structural and cultural factors that trigger the emergence and articulation of religiously inspired extremism from a comparative perspective in three different national settings. Asst Prof Nawab will be conducting fieldwork in India, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Indonesia for this research.
National Geographic Society Research Grant for RSIS Professor
Assoc Prof Wu Fengshi from IDSS’ China Programme received a research grant (as Co-Investigator) of USD17,625 from the NationalGeographic Society to examine environmental governance and policies relating to the shale gas industry in China. Titled “Repair the Roof Before it Rains – Regulating Water Consumption and Pollution for Shale Gas Development in Xinjiang,” Assoc Prof Wu and Assoc Prof Xu Yuan of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and their research team evaluated the current environmental regulatory frameworks and institutions in Xinjiang relating to shale gas development. They also applied the public administration concept of MRV (monitoring, reporting and verification) and the analytical framework of cost and incentive in their research.
Research Grants Awarded by SAF-NTU Academy
(From left) Mr Ho Shu Huang, Dr Graham Ong-Webb, Mr Eugene Mark and Prof Pascal Vennesson
Several staff members of RSIS were awarded research grants worth $5,000 each (some jointly) by the SAF-NTU Academy. They were Prof Pascal Vennesson, Dr Graham Ong-Webb, Mr Eugene Mark and Mr Ho Shu Huang. Prof Vennesson will do a case study to examine the key command decisions made by both the US and Iraqi political and military leaders in the 1990–1991 Gulf War. Dr Ong-Webb’s project, which uses Southeast Asia as a case study, aims to fill a gap in post-Cold War analyses of “military balances”, where the term is often used loosely, bringing about a difference between “perception” and “reality”, which can distort foreign policies and realise security dilemmas. Mr Mark will partner Dr Ong-Webb on a two-year project to research the conflict resolution processes in southern Thailand and southern Philippines. Mr Ho and Dr Samuel Chan (formerly from RSIS) will work on a digital library project, which seeks to compile an annotated bibliography on defence and security issues focused on Singapore.
A TEDx Invitation
On 7 October 2017, Dr Irm Haleem, Assistant Professor in the International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research, spoke at the annual TEDxNTU 2017 event held at the University’s Nanyang Auditorium. TEDx is a TED-style event that is licensed under the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) brand, and is intended to bring ideas worth sharing to a community, free from political, religious or corporate promotions. Dr Haleem was first nominated to speak, and then shortlisted and selected as one of eight people to speak under the theme “Here’s to the Game Changers”. She spoke on “Love, Hope and Human Agency”, in which she argued that love and hope are manifestations of human agency capable of rewriting the story of our world. Her idea was derived from her latest book, Death as Existence, which is premised on the contention that human agency is critical for a person to feel “fully alive” and to live an “authentic existence”. This contention, Dr Haleem argues, offers important insights into political resistance movements and self-sacrifice of all sorts.
RSIS Professor Selected as Distinguished Alum of ASU
Prof Tan See Seng was selected by the Arizona State University’s School of Politics and Global Studies (ASU-SPGS) as its Distinguished Alum 2018. See Seng graduated from the ASU Department of Political Science, the precursor to the SPGS, in 1999 with a PhD. His responsibilities as ASU Distinguished Alum will include participating in the SPGS Distinguished Alumni Speaker Series, which seeks to honour outstanding alumni for their accomplishments and raise the visibility of SPGS to both internal and external audiences. In the spring of 2018, See Seng will give a number of public talks at ASU and meet with SPGS faculty and students.
RSIS Professor Wins AMOS Perlmutter Prize
Asst Prof Anit Mukherjee of IDSS’ South Asia Programme was awarded the prestigious 2017 Amos Perlmutter Prize from the Journal of Strategic Studies. The prize, named in memory of the journal’s founding editor, recog-nises the most outstanding essay submitted for publication by junior faculty members. Asst Prof Mukherjee’s essay titled “Fighting Separately: Jointness and Civil-Military Relations in India” relied on a combination of archival research and interviews, and critically examined the Indian military’s, as yet, incomplete transition to joint operations. Amongst other things, Asst Prof Mukherjee argued that civil-military relations, more specifically, assertive civilian intervention, is a key determinant of jointness in most militaries.
Awards for Academic Excellence
In Academic Year 2016/2017, the four students who won awards in their respective Master of Science programmes are as follows:
Mr Charles Julian Oliver Ardy (Singapore)
The United Overseas Bank Gold Medal for Master of Science in Strategic Studies
Mr Pang Khin Yang Magnus (Singapore)
The Lion Group Gold Medal for Master of Science in International Political Economy
Mr Prashant Deepak Waikar (India)
The Singapore Technologies Engineering Gold Medal for Master of Science in International Relations
Ms Lim Hui Yi Cheryl (Singapore)
The Rajabali Jumabhoy Foundation Gold Medal for Master of Science in Asian Studies
Besides these top students, Mr Ahmed Nazwan (Maldives) was awarded the Tay Seow Huah Book Prize for writing the best dissertation.