This year’s theme The Changing Role of the Military addressed questions and issues on the core roles of armed forces today and in the near future.
Participants were encouraged to explore and discuss fundamental questions about what armed forces were for and how they should be structured and organised in a security environment that was rapidly evolving.
Each sub-theme and panel addressed salient developments and trends across the spectrum of operations and key domains as well as their potential impact on the military profession.
This event brought together prominent speakers/scholars/practitioners in the field of military-security affairs to speak on the following topics.
Keynote Address
Mr Chan Chun Sing
Minister for Social and Family Development and Second Minister for Defence, Singapore
Session 1
“The Changing Dimensions of Strategy”
Lieutenant General (Ret) Rhys Jones
Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit; and
Former Chief of Defence Force, New Zealand Defence Force
Professor Khong Yuen Foong
Professor of International Relations and Senior Research Advisor, RSIS
Session 2
“The Geopolitics of Asia-Pacific”
Professor T. V. Paul
Ngee Ann Kongsi Professor of International Relations, RSIS; and
James McGill Professor of International Relations, McGill University
Major General (Ret) Zhu Chenghu
Professor, Academic Department of Strategic Studies, National Defence University, China
Dr Li Mingjiang
Associate Professor and Coordinator of the China Programme, IDSS, RSIS
Session 3
“The Challenge of Irregular Warfare”
Professor Gérard Chaliand
Visiting Senior Fellow, RSIS
Dr Ahmed Hashim
Associate Professor, Military Studies Programme, IDSS, RSIS
Dr Kumar Ramakrishna
Associate Professor and Head, Centre of Excellence for National Security, RSIS
Session 4
“Civil-Military Cooperation in a Coalition Environment”
Mr Jeremy England
Head, Regional Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross
Dr Greg Mills
Director of the Brenthurst Foundation
Dr Evan Resnick
Associate Professor and Coordinator of the United States Programme, IDSS, RSIS
Session 5
“Perceptions of the Military Profession”
Associate Professor Panitan Wattanayagorn
Department of International Relations, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Professor Pascal Vennesson
Professor of Political Science, RSIS
Dr Ang Cheng Guan
Associate Professor and Head of Graduate Studies, RSIS
Session 6
“Cross-Domain Interoperability and Integration”
Rear Admiral Giam Hock Koon
Commander, Maritime Security Task Force, Singapore Armed Forces
Mr Richard Bitzinger
Senior Fellow and Coordinator of the Military Transformations Programme, IDSS, RSIS
Mr Eddie Lim
Senior Fellow and Coordinator of the Military Studies Programme, RSIS
Plenary Session
Dr Leonard Sebastian
Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Indonesia Programme, IDSS, RSIS
Distinguished Lunch Talk
“Security Challenges in the Asia Pacific Region”
Lieutenant General William Stevenson
Chief Executive, Malaysian Institute of Defence and Security
Dr Ralf Emmers
Associate Professor and Associate Dean, RSIS
Distinguished Lunch Talk
“U.S. Land Forces in the Pacific; Rebalance, Roles and Relationships”
Major General Gary Hara
Deputy Commanding General, Army National Guard, U.S. Army Pacific
Brigadier General (Ret) Jimmy Tan
Director, SAF-NTU Academy, Nanyang Technological University
Distinguished Dinner Talk
“East Asia in Transition”
Ambassador Bilahari Kausikan
Ambassador-at-Large and Policy Advisor
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore
Ambassador Barry Desker
Dean, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies; and
Director, Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies
APPSMO 2014 Reading Materials (For Participants Only)
Organised by IDSS Military Studies Programme and RSIS Events Unit.