27 November 2020
- Publication
- External Publications
- Now More than Ever, Southeast Asia Values a Firm American Security Presence
Joseph Liow Chinyong, dean of the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Tan Kah Kee Chair in Comparative and International Politics, and research adviser at RSIS, wrote that President-elect Joe Biden will restore a more traditional style of diplomacy to the US, but domestic considerations will weigh heavily on American foreign policy — and Washington’s approach to Southeast Asia.
Joseph Liow Chinyong, dean of the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Tan Kah Kee Chair in Comparative and International Politics, and research adviser at RSIS, wrote that President-elect Joe Biden will restore a more traditional style of diplomacy to the US, but domestic considerations will weigh heavily on American foreign policy — and Washington’s approach to Southeast Asia.