Book Abstract
This sixteen chapter volume is co-edited by Associate Professor Christopher Roberts (Director of Executive Education, UNSW, Canberra), Dr. Ahmad D. Habir, Professorial Fellow, Strategic Asia and Adjunct Associate Professor, UNSW, Canberra, and Associate Professor Leonard Sebastian (Coordinator of the Indonesia Program at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies).
A key purpose of the book is to provide timely analysis of the most significant domestic and transnational challenges associated with Indonesia’s ascent. The book is also unique in that close to half of its authors are from Indonesia. It therefore provides insights that are more reflective of Indonesian perspectives as well as realities on the ground.
The contributors in this book examine a range of topical issues including Indonesia’s economic resources, political institutions, identity and independence, as well as Jakarta’s regional relations, leadership and the exercise of hard and soft power. The book also examines the likely directions for Indonesian foreign policy following the election of President Joko Widodo in 2014 and offers a range of assessments concerning the potential trajectory of Indonesia’s future.
During the course of the book launch, Assoc. Prof. Christopher Roberts and Assoc. Prof. Leonard Sebastian will elaborate on the main objectives of the book, while Dr Ahmad D. Habir will provide a special presentation on the nature of economic nationalism in Indonesia today. Ambassador Andri Hadi and Prof. Hikmahanto will be commenting on the book and provide updates regarding current developments.
Note: The book will be available for sale at a special book launch price of US$70.00 (30% off the regular price of US$100).