The International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research (ICPVTR) and the Ministry of Home Affairs, Singapore will be conducting a webinar on “Countering Extremist Content: Promoting Positive Narratives Online” on 25 March 2022, 9.15am to 5.30pm (Singapore time). The webinar is a by-invitation only event which will include a wide range of participants from regional government agencies, academia and researchers, community and religious stakeholders involved in the CVE field. Speakers invited are from the academia as well as community and private sectors, including social media companies.
The webinar aims to identify the latest trends and developments in countering online extremist content and radicalisation; to foster better understanding of the challenges faced by different stakeholders in promoting positive online narratives in the region; as well as to provide and share insights into producing possible viable solutions for stakeholders to adopt for their own organisational initiatives. The webinar also hopes to provide the opportunity to identify and examine potential cross-collaboration amongst different groups that are working in the Counter-Violent Extremism (CVE) field within the region.