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The Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Programme at the Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies (NTS Centre) at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), will host the Singapore HADR Research Meeting and a consultation on the fourth edition of The Sphere Project’s Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response (the Sphere Handbook). The meeting is an event to foster collaboration between academics focused on the study of humanitarianism in the Asia-Pacific and humanitarian policy research professionals based in Singapore. This meeting will offer participants the opportunity to network with one another and share their research as well as explore potential areas of collaboration in the future. This meeting aims to assess the state of humanitarian research in Singapore and discuss the emerging humanitarian policy research landscape in the Asia-Pacific, challenges in the field, and research methodologies. Participants will also engage in a consultation on the Sphere Handbook. The Sphere Handbook captures best practice, evidence and experience in humanitarian response to establish minimum standards that can be applied worldwide in various contexts. The Sphere Handbook is currently being revised to prepare the fourth edition which will be published in 2018. This revision process aims at building the broadest possible consultation with practitioners and a range of stakeholders.