29-30 May 2010
Venue: Sapporo, Japan
Professor Paul Teng, Senior Fellow on Food Security at the RSIS Centre for NTS Studies and NIE Dean of Graduate Programmes and Research, addressed the 9th Meeting of the APEC High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology from 29 to 30 May 2010 in Sapporo, Japan. He delivered an invited keynote on ‘Policies to Enable Beneficial Biotechnologies for Mitigating Climate Change Effects on Food Security’ on the second day of the conference. This was one of five invited keynotes to the policy dialogue involving senior officials from the APEC economies. Prof Teng also moderated the discussion session to generate recommendations to APEC Ministers on policy requirements for using biotechnology to mitigate climate change in the context of food security. Copies of his presentation are available on request.
In addition to this, Prof. Teng was one of five invited speakers at a one-day UN seminar organised by the United Nations Association of Singapore on 22 May 2010 at the RELC, Singapore. He spoke on ‘Ensuring Food Security to Sustain Asia’s Rise’. Copies of this presentation are available on request. Please email your requests to [email protected].