Date: 16-17 March 2009
Venue: Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore
Organised by the European Union Centre in Singapore with the support of Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore (ARI, NUS), Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University (RSIS, NTU).
About the Conference:
Migration features strongly on the public and policy agenda worldwide. Immigrants have become the subject of contentious debates in many receiving countries in Europe and also increasingly in Asian societies such as Singapore. In the recipient countries debates revolved around how migrants impact the socio-economic structure of the host societies.
left: Mr Manola Abella, ILO Coordinator – Project on the “Governance of Labour Migration In Asia”.
(continued) The pace and scale of immigration bring consequences to bear on employment and wages in the economy and on social and cultural issues such as rights of migrant workers, integration, social cohesion and citizenship. Increasing globalization has also changed the face and complexity of international migration and more research need to be done to promote discussion and understanding that can guide policies towards migration, development, integration and social cohesion.It is with this in mind that the European Union Centre in Singapore together with the Asia Research Institute, NUS and S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University is planning a Conference on “Migration, Societal and Market Transformations – Perceptions, Debates and Policies in Asia and Europe” on 16-17 March 2009.