02 October 2023
Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Defence, Mr Heng Chee How, Honourable Guests, Distinguished Speakers, Ladies and Gentlemen.
On behalf of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), I welcome you to the 24th Asia-Pacific Programme for Senior Military Officers, or APPSMO.
RSIS is proud to organise and host APPSMO over the past two decades. The programme provides a forum for senior military and defence officers from the Asia-Pacific and beyond to interact on a pan-regional scale, serving as an essential instrument to enhance defence diplomacy in the region.
Defence diplomacy is becoming more challenging and complex. But it is increasingly crucial today because the geopolitics of the Asia-Pacific is changing significantly, and the uncertain times we live in are becoming riskier and more unpredictable. Multilateralism on all fronts, be it trade, economy, science and technology, or military and defence, is under enormous pressure due to the changing geopolitics, competition and tensions among countries, and the resultant deficit in strategic trust.
To uphold international security and peace, military and defence institutions must step up efforts in dialogue and consultation to build mutual confidence and avoid or resolve conflict amicably. In human history, it is a certainty for states to have different opinions on issues and conflicting interests. However, one common interest that all states share is the desire to manage security issues amicably and build durable peace in the region in which they live.
In that regard, APPSMO brings together participants who are important people whose fingers are on the physical, digital or policy trigger to enable them to communicate with each other directly and informally. Participants present are among the brightest and the best from all the countries represented here. APPSMO is an opportunity to enhance networking among their military and defence institutions while benefitting from contacts and exchanges between the academic and policy circles.
Through this opportunity, senior military and defence officers can contribute towards encouraging a dynamic yet stable environment that is conducive to maintaining peace and stability in the region. The process of APPSMO has two main lines of effort.
First, lectures and informal discussions will allow participants to learn about and examine key trends and developments in defence and security-related issues. The interactive discussions will enable them to get a feel of the developments which are of professional significance. This year’s theme, “Competition and Conflict in a Fragmented World”, will explore how military and defence institutions can navigate an increasingly tense geopolitical landscape today and in the future. RSIS has invited prominent speakers, scholars, and practitioners in international relations, military and security affairs to speak on topics related to this theme.
Second, social and networking activities will allow participants to interact with one another in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. RSIS has scheduled activities such as team building and excursions to afford plenty of time and opportunity for the officers to interact with each other. Such interactions will help to develop lasting relationships professionally and personally. As confidence in multilateralism is at an all-time low in the current environment, the importance of camaraderie and friendship between states, including at the military level, cannot be understated.
Today, we are honoured to have Senior Minister of State, Singapore Ministry of Defence, Mr. Heng Chee How, who will deliver the Keynote Address after my welcome remarks.
I encourage all participants to listen and engage actively in the APPSMO panels and syndicate discussions. Also, I hope you will get to know as many of your counterparts as possible. The knowledge and friendships that APPSMO offer will serve you well professionally in your present and future appointments.
Thank you.