External Publications Entity Clear Selection RSIS x IDSS x ICPVTR x CENS x NTS Centre x CMS x NSSP x SCRP x SRP x FIT x STSP x RSIS IDSS ICPVTR CENS NTS Centre CMS NSSP SCRP SRP FIT STSP Month SEARCH “The Impact of Foreign Capital on Growth: Evidences from Asian Developing Countries” in The Developing Economies Pradumna Bickram Rana, J. M. Dowling 31 March 1988 31 Mar 1988 “Beberapa Aspek Pendekatan dan Kebijaksanaan Makro Dalam Struktur Ekonomi yang Berubah” [“Some aspects of Macroeconomic Approaches in a Changing Economic Structure”] in Ekonomi dan Keuangan Indonesia J. Soedradjad Djiwandono 01 March 1988 1 Mar 1988 “Foreign Capital, Exports, Savings and Growth in the Asian Region” in Savings and Development, Pradumna Bickram Rana 31 December 1987 31 Dec 1987 “Ekonomi Makro di persimpangan jalan” [“Macroeconomics at the Crossroad”] in Teori Ekonomi dan Kebijaksanaan Pembangunan, Kumpulan Esei untuk Menghormati Sumitro Djojohadikusumo [Economic Theories and Development Policies; Essays in Honor of Sumitro Djojohadikusumo] J. Soedradjad Djiwandono 01 June 1987 1 Jun 1987 “Perspektif Pembiayaan Pembangunan Nasional: Permasalahan dan Prospek Dalam Kaitan dengan Perkembangan Ekstern” [“Financing National Development in Perspective: Issues and Prospects in relation to External Development”] in Analisa J. Soedradjad Djiwandono 01 June 1987 1 Jun 1987 “Exports and Economic Growth: Further Evidences from Asian LDCs,” in Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics Pradumna Bickram Rana 31 December 1986 31 Dec 1986 “Inflationary Effects of Small But Continuous Changes in Effective Exchange Rate: Nine Asian LDCs,” in The Review of Economics and Statistics Pradumna Bickram Rana, J.M Dowling 31 August 1985 31 Aug 1985 “Supply Side Economics; sebuah pengantar” [“Supply Side Economics, an introduction”] in Memelihara Momentum Pembangunan [Sustaining Development Momentum] J. Soedradjad Djiwandono 01 June 1985 1 Jun 1985 “Permasalahan Nilai Dollar Amerika Dalam Perspektif” [“Problems of the US Dollar in Perspective”] in Manajemen dan Usahawan Indonesia J. Soedradjad Djiwandono 01 June 1985 1 Jun 1985 Theory of International Politics: The Limitations of Political Realism India Quarterly Rajesh Basrur 01 May 1985 1 May 1985 “Inflationary Effects of Exchange Rate Changes: The Case of the ASEAN Countries, 1973-1979” in ASEAN Economic Bulletin, Pradumna Bickram Rana 31 July 1984 31 Jul 1984 “Fixed Versus Flexible Exchange Rates and Measurement of Exchange Rate Instability – Comment,” in Journal of International Economics Pradumna Bickram Rana 31 May 1984 31 May 1984 1 ... 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96