In view of public health considerations due to the escalating situation involving the Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak, the abovementioned Seminar is cancelled.
Seminar Abstract
Impeachment is an inherently political process, but it is also a highly politicized and partisan one as well. In past cases of impeachment, presidents have been investigated by the opposition party under conditions of divided government. We will explore how partisanship shaped the political calculus of previous impeachments and how it affects the current inquiry. We will also examine the role of public opinion in the impeachment process, especially in the context of Nixon and Watergate and the impeachment of Bill Clinton. We will also examine the possible electoral consequences of the Trump impeachment.
About the Speaker
Dr Adrian Ang is a Research Fellow in the United States Programme. He holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Missouri-Columbia and his research interests include American public opinion; political parties; elections, campaigns, and voting behaviour; and congressional politics.